This document describes the REST API published by Statens Vegvesen for accessing the public Routing Service using data from the National Road Database (NVDB)
The REST API exposes routing functionality for calculating routes on the NVDB-database. The API exposes both an OpenLS inherited XML-format and a JSON format
XSD-definition of the xml returned can be found here:
OpenLS.xsd (Extended)
This document is intended for website and mobile developers who want to use compute direction data. It provides an introduction to using the API and reference material on the available parameters.
Use of the API is subject to a query limit of 2,500 directions requests per day. Individual directions requests may contain up to 8 intermediate waypoints in the request.
Input and output coordinates are expressed in the ETRS89 / UTM zone 33N coordinate system (EPSG:25833).
This is very similar to WGS84 / UTM zone 33N (EPSG:32633). For many practical applications – including this service – the difference is so small you can ignore it, typically less than half a meter. For route finding applications you can happily use both EPSG:32633 and EPSG:25833 as if they were the same.
The service is documented as a WADL definition that can be retreived here
A Directions API request is an HTTP URL of the following form:
Certain parameters are required while others are optional. As is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated below.
The Rourint API defines a routing request using the following URL parameters:
(required) — The requested outputformat. Valid Values are xml and jsonstops
(required) — A list of the included stops in the request. The stops need to be in the UTM33N (EPSG:32633 or EPSG:25833) coordinate systemlang
(optional) — Language for output directions-response. Valid values are en-US (default),
nb-NO , nn-NO, sv-SE, de and fi
(optional) — What kind of route to be calculated. Valid values are best (default),
tourist and alternative
(optional) — A list of the included barriers in the request. Barriers of type coordinate need to be in the UTM33N (EPSG:32633 or EPSG:25833) coordinate systemreturnGeometry
(optional) — Set to false to not return the
complete geometry (geometry on route instructions is controlled via returnDirectionGeometry),Default=true
(optional) — (format: yyyyMMddHHmmss) Set the starttime of the route (this affects delays, dynamic roadinformation and route-choices due to traffic)returnSimpleGeometry
(optional) — Set to true to return a simplified version of the complete geometry for the whole route,Default=false
(optional) — Set to false to not return
directions for the route, Default=true
(optional) — Set to false to not return geometry on every segment in the routedescriptionstreetname_hints
(optional) — streetnames for stops separated by ; (semicolon). By specifying a streetname for each stop in the stops-parameter the router will try to snap the stops to streets with correct namegeometryformat
(optional) — what format should geometries be returned as. Valid values are {gml,iso,compressed, gmlz,isoz,compressedz} encapsulateStreetNames
(optional) — If set to true, streetnames in returned directions are encapsulated in []. Ex: Go north on [skogsbilsveg] toward [privat veg], Default=false
(optional) — If set, the route is calculated only using roads allowed to use with a vehicle of the specified weight in metric tons. Should be given as number e.g. 15.6, Default=0.0
(optional) — If set, the route is calculated only using roads that allow a vehicle of the given height to pass. meters, Default=0.0
(optional) — If set, the route is calculated only using roads that allow a vehicle of the given length to pass. meters, Default=0.0
(optional) — Indicates the maxumum effort outtage. A high value can leed to steeper hills. -100 to 100 Only applies if route_type
is set to "bike", Default=0.0
(optional) — A high value will lead to a route that priorities bike paths. -100 to 100 Only applies if route_type
is set to "bike", Default=0.0
(optional) — Set this parameter to false to disallow travel in ZeroEmissionZones Default=true
(optional) — Set this parameter to true to return references in Norwegian National Road Database covering the routeDefault=false
(optional) — Set this parameter to true if you want to avoid temporary closed roads Default=false
(optional) — Set this parameter to avoid specific traffic situations, with a comma seperated list of Situation IDsbruksklassenormaltransport
(optional) - Supports the following values: "6_28", "8_32", "T8_40", "10_42", "T8_50", "10_50". This parameter will only return routes allowed by the specified bruksklasse.bruksklasse1265
(optional) - Supports the following value: "12_65"bruksklasse12100
(optional) - Supports the following value: "12_100"bruksklassespesialtransport
(optional) - Supports the following values: "6_28", "8_32", "T8_40", "10_42", "T8_50", "10_50". This parameter will only return routes allowed by the specified bruksklasse.bruksklassespesialtransport_veggruppe
(optional) - Supports the following values: "A", "B". This parameter will only return routes allowed by the specified veggruppebruksklassespesialtransport_veggruppe_inkluder_ikkeveg
(optional) When using "bruksklassespesialtransport_veggruppe"="A" or "B" this options specifies if veggruppe "IKKE" should be included or notbruksklassemodulvogntog
(optional) - Supports the following values: "10_50", "10_56", "10_60". This parameter will only return routes allowed by the specified bruksklassebruksklassemodulvogntog_erLinkSemiTrailer
(optional) - Set to "true" or "1" to route on bruksklasse, modulvogntog that is of type linksemitrailer. Otherwise use "false" or "0"bruksklassemodulvogntog_medSporingskrav
(optional) - Set to "false" to route only on bruksklasse modulvogntog. When set to "true" the service will route on a combination of bruksklasse modulvogntog and bruksklasse tømmertransport ( where "tillatt for modulvogntog type 1 og 2 med sproringskrav = Ja" ). Default is "true"bruksklassetommertransport
(optional) - Supports the following values: "6_28", "8_32", "T8_40", "10_42", "T8_50", "10_50", "10_56", "10_60". This parameter will only return routes allowed by the specified bruksklasse.
Example of a typical request with all parameters set:,6760327.2812364;292465.40693137,6695768.8187861&returnDirections=true&returnGeometry=true&lang=en-US&format=xml&streetname_hints=Vibes%20gate;Bygate;Kongens%20gate
When using the route_type alternative three different route-suggestions are returned as alternatives for the given start and stop point. For an alternative to be considered valid there are some rules specifying how much longer travel time a route can have against the fastest route and how much different it must be compared to the others.
The result contains statistics about the given route in the RouteSummary-element. Statistics is TotalDistance, TotalTime, Envelope of the route and Accumulated properties.
Accumulated properties
The results contain these Accumulated properties for the route
- Total toll fee (accounting for discount rules) travelling the route without stops with a large vehicle (truck or bus)TotalTollSmall
- Total toll fee (accounting for discount rules) travelling the route without stops with a small vehicle (car)TotalTollLargeWithoutDiscount
- Sum of toll fees (not accounting for discount rules) travelling the route with a large vehicle (truck or bus)TotalTollSmallWithoutDiscount
- Sum toll fees (not accounting for discount rules) travelling the route with a small vehicle (car)
Compressed geometries (on RouteInstruction/CompressedGeometry and RouteGeometry/CompressedGeometry) are generated according to ESRI:s open specification of Compressed Geometries.
C# code for decompressing compressed geometry
public class XY
public double x;
public double y;
public class XYZ : XY
public double z;
private char[] m_abc = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',
public XY[] ExtractPointsFromCompressedGeometry(System.String compresedGeometry)
// initialize result storage
A sample HTTP request is shown below, calculating the route from FLESAKERVEGEN, HAMAR to SMESTADGUTUA, EIDSVOLL,6760327.2812364;292465.40693137,6695768.8187861&returnDirections=true&returnGeometry=true&format=xml
The XML returned by this request is shown below.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RouteResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="urn:no:vegvesen:geodata:routeplanning:messages:RoutePlanningMessages-1">
<RouteSummary xmlns="">
<TotalDistance value="79028.2664547377" />
<TotalTime value="77.5722737024577" />
<RouteEnvelope minx="277604.30000279" miny="6695575.00012278" maxx="298017.59009041" maxy="6760785.91012249" />
<AccumulatedProperty PropertyName="TotalTollLarge" Value="0"/>
<AccumulatedProperty PropertyName="TotalTollSmall" Value="0"/>
<AccumulatedProperty PropertyName="TotalTollLargeWithoutDiscount" Value="0"/>
<AccumulatedProperty PropertyName="TotalTollSmallWithoutDiscount" Value="0"/>
<RouteGeometry xmlns="">
<LineString srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:32633" id="p1">
<pos dimension="2">277685.5 6760533</pos>
<pos dimension="2">277606.3 6760610.6</pos>
<pos dimension="2">277604.3 6760633.1</pos>
<pos dimension="2">292476.9 6695711</pos>
<pos dimension="2">292502.7 6695752.2</pos>
<pos dimension="2">292504.1 6695764.6</pos>
<RouteInstructionsList lang="en-US" xmlns="">
<RouteInstruction duration="-P0Y0M0DT0H0M0S">
<Instruction>Start at Location 1</Instruction>
<distance value="0" />
<RouteInstruction duration="P0Y0M0DT0H0M47.0838799S">
<Instruction>Go north on skogsbilsveg toward privat veg</Instruction>
<distance value="0.19618283318196" />
<RouteInstruction duration="P0Y0M0DT0H2M54.4035258S">
<Instruction>Continue on E6</Instruction>
<distance value="3.37011644170256" />
<Attribute id="vegloggen:38241">
<AttributeType>vegloggen:Midlertidig stengt</AttributeType>
<Value key="ingress" value="Stengt på grunn av vegarbeid. Omkjøring er skiltet. Gjelder fra 31.03.2011 klokken 21:00 til 14.04.2011 klokken 05:30." />
<Value key="heading" value="Minnesund - Hamar (Ny Minnesund bru)" />
<Value key="urgency" value="X" />
<Value key="roadType" value="Ev" />
<Value key="roadNumber" value="6" />
<Location northing="6701250.0754337274" easting="291798.22438834608" SRS="EPSG:32633" />
<Location northing="6701250.0754337274" easting="291798.22438834608" SRS="EPSG:32633" />
<RouteInstruction duration="-P0Y0M0DT0H3M34.7483648S">
<Instruction>Continue on Rv19</Instruction>
<distance value="10.7789670770843" />
<Value key="type" value="FERGE" />
<Value key="Navn" value="07-230" />
<Value key="URL" value="" />
<RouteInstruction duration="-P0Y0M0DT0H0M0S">
<Instruction>Finish at Location 2, on the left</Instruction>
<distance value="0" />
A sample HTTP request is shown below, calculating the route from Moss to Horten, OK:,6596507;241697,6596651&returnDirections=true&returnGeometry=true&format=json
The JSON result is shown below. Because directions results can be quite verbose, repeated elements within the response have been omitted for clarity.
"text":"Start at Location 1",
"text":"Bear left on Rv19",
"text":"Finish at Location 2, on the left",
"routeName":"Location 1 - Location 2",
"Name":"Location 1 - Location 2",
"Total_DriveTime tourist":0,
"Total_Toll large":0,
"Total_Toll small":0,
"Total_Toll_Without_Discount large":0,
"Total_Toll_Without_Discount small":0
The Matrix API answers requests on a HTTP URL of the following form:
Certain parameters are required while others are optional. As is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. The list of parameters and their possible values are enumerated below.
The Matrix API defines a routing request using the following URL parameters:
(required) — The requested outputformat. Valid Values are xml and jsonfrom
(required) — A stops for the origin of the routes. The stop need to be in the UTM33N (EPSG:32633 or EPSG:25833) coordinate systemstops
(required) — A list of stops to calculate distances to in the request. The stops need to be in the UTM33N (EPSG:32633 or EPSG:25833) coordinate systemroute_type
(optional) — What kind of route to be calculated. Valid values are best (default),
tourist and alternative
(optional) — A list of the included barriers in the request. Barriers of type coordinate need to be in the UTM33N (EPSG:32633 or EPSG:25833) coordinate systemstartTime
(optional) — (format: yyyyMMddHHmmss) Set the starttime of the route (this affects delays, dynamic roadinformation and route-choices due to traffic)streetname_hints
(optional) — streetnames for stops separated by ; (semicolon). By specifying a streetname for each stop in the stops-parameter the router will try to snap the stops to streets with correct nameweight
(optional) — If set, the route is calculated only using roads allowed to use with a vehicle of the specified weight in metric tons. Should be given as number e.g. 15.6, Default=0.0
(optional) — If set, the route is calculated only using roads that allow a vehicle of the given height to pass. meters, Default=0.0
(optional) — If set, the route is calculated only using roads that allow a vehicle of the given length to pass. meters, Default=0.0
(optional) — Indicates the maxumum effort outtage. A high value can leed to steeper hills. -100 to 100 Only applies if route_type
is set to "bike", Default=0.0
(optional) — A high value will lead to a route that priorities bike paths. -100 to 100 Only applies if route_type
is set to "bike", Default=0.0
(optional) — Set this parameter to false to disallow travel in ZeroEmissionZones Default=true
(optional) — Set this parameter to true if you want to avoid temporary closed roads Default=false
(optional) — Set this parameter to avoid specific traffic situations, with a comma seperated list of Situation IDsExample of a typical request with all parameters set:,6650766&stops=229155,6630427;232248,6623853;267803,6626733;281425,6675976;260284,6714506&format=json&route_type=best
The resposne to the above request looks like
"results": [
"distanceMeters": 48851,
"durationSeconds": 2974,
"toStopIndex": 0,
"toStopLocation": {
"X": 229155,
"Y": 6630427
"distanceMeters": 48917,
"durationSeconds": 2504,
"toStopIndex": 1,
"toStopLocation": {
"X": 232248,
"Y": 6623853
"distanceMeters": 31956,
"durationSeconds": 2056,
"toStopIndex": 2,
"toStopLocation": {
"X": 267803,
"Y": 6626733
"distanceMeters": 45657,
"durationSeconds": 2883,
"toStopIndex": 3,
"toStopLocation": {
"X": 281425,
"Y": 6675976
"distanceMeters": 85783,
"durationSeconds": 5025,
"toStopIndex": 4,
"toStopLocation": {
"X": 260284,
"Y": 6714506
The resposne to the above request looks like
<MatrixResult xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
Note that Attribute type vegloggen:Trafikkmelding is being deprecated and will be replaced by Attribute type datex3:Trafikkmelding.
Attribute vegloggen:Trafikkmelding will continue to be served until approximately September 2022 and after that only datex3:Trafikkmelding will be served in the response.
In the meantime Ruteplantjenesten will serve both attributes even though they provide the same data in roughly the same format.
Attribute types and its values are listed in the table below:
AttributeType | Value1 | Value2 | Value3 | Value4 | Value5 | Value6 | Value7 | Value8 | Value9 | Value10 | Value11 | |||||||||||||||
vegloggen:Trafikkmelding | key:DESCRIPTION, Description of the event | key:LOCATION_DESCRIPTION, Description of the affected road | key:RECORD_SECONDARY_TYPE, Message Type according to DatexII standard | key:COUNTY_NUMBER, County-number for the actal message | key:ROAD_NUMBER, Roadnumber | key:SITUATION_ID, Identifier for the message, same as in DatexII | key:OVERALL_START_TIME, From when the message is valid | key:OVERALL_END_TIME, To when the message is valid | ||||||||||||||||||
Trafikkmelding:Sverige | key:SITUATION_ID, Identifier for the Situation | key:DESCRIPTION, Description of the event | key:LOCATION_DESCRIPTION, Description of the affected road | key:RECORD_SECONDARY_TYPE, Message Type according to DatexII standard | key:OVERALL_START_TIME, From when the message is valid | key:OVERALL_END_TIME, To when the message is valid | key:TEMPORARY_LIMIT, Temporary restrictions: e.g. "gross weight 8 tons" | key:MANAGED_CAUSE, The object is the cause of the situation | key:MESSAGE_CODE, Message code: e.g. "Coating Work" | key:MESSAGE_CODE_VALUE, Message code Value: ex. "resurfacingwork" | key:MESSAGE_TYPE, Message type: ex. "Roadwork" | key:MESSAGE_TYPE_VALUE, Message type value: ex. "MaintenanceWorks" | ||||||||||||||
Trafikkmelding:Finland | key:SITUATION_ID, Identifier for the Situation | key:DESCRIPTION, Description of the event | key:LOCATION_DESCRIPTION, Description of the affected road | key:RECORD_SECONDARY_TYPE, Message Type according to DatexII standard | key:ROAD_NUMBER, Roadnumber | key:ROAD_SECTION, Roadsection for the actual message | key:MUNICIPALITY, Municipality for the actual message | key:PROVINCE, Province for the actual message | key:OVERALL_START_TIME, From when the message is valid | key:OVERALL_END_TIME, To when the message is valid | key:ROADWORKPHASE_ID, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage will have Roadworkphase Id | key:ROADWORKPHASE_START_TIME, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage will have Roadworkphase start time | key:ROADWORKPHASE_END_TIME, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage will have Roadworkphase end time | key:RESTRICTION_TYPE, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage may have Restriction type | key:RESTRICTION_DESCRIPTION, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage may have description of the restriction | key:RESTRICTION_START_TIME, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage may have start time of the restriction | key:RESTRICTION_END_TIME, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage may have end time of the restriction | key:RESTRICTION_QUANTITY, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage may have quantity of the restriction | key:RESTRICTION_UNIT, NOTE if the situationType is 'roadwork' the trafficMessage may have unit of the restriction | |||||||
vegloggen:Trafikkmelding is a general attribute type for norwegian traffic messages. Sometimes a more detailed classification is given. That can be any of [vegloggen:Midlertidig stengt, vegloggen:Nattestengt, vegloggen:Vinterstengt, vegloggen:Kolonnekjøring, vegloggen:Åpen for trafikk, vegloggen:Redusert framkommelighet, vegloggen:Trafikkflyt, vegloggen:Vær- og føreforhold] | Trafikkmelding:Sverige is a general attribute type for swedish traffic messages. | Trafikkmelding:Finland is a general attribute type for finnish traffic messages. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
datex3:Trafikkmelding | key:SituationId, Identifier for the Situation | key:RecordId, Identifier for the record considered as the "MainRecordForPosition" by The KDTraf service. | key:Type, Record type according to Datex3.1 standard | key:OverallStartTime, from when the situation is valid | key:OverallEndTime, to when the situation is valid | key:LocationDescription, description of the affected road | key:GeneralPublicComment, description of the event | key:CountyNumber, county number for the situation | key:RoadNumber, affected roadnumber | key:ValidPeriod, if the situation has a periodic time pattern, it is suplied here in datex3.1 format | key:SubRecords, a jsonarray of all the records attached to this situation that is not considered "MainRecordForPosition" by the KDTraf service | |||||||||||||||
reisetid | key:forsinkelse, Current estimated TravelTime delay | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
nvdb:Vegtype | key:type, Values can be (FERGE, TURISTVEG, ATK-STREKNING) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
nvdb:Bomstasjon | key:Navn, Name of the toll station | key:TakstLitenBil, Toll for a small vehicle | key:TakstStorBil, Toll for a large vehicle | key:Autopass, Whether or not it is possible to pass the toll station with an autopass | ||||||||||||||||||||||
nvdb:Ferge | key:Navn, Name of the route | key:Url, Url to the timetable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
nvdb:Rasteplass | key:Navn, Name of the rest stop | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
nvdb:Roadcamera | Roadcamera | key: VIDEO_URL, Url to video | key: STILL_IMAGE_URL, Url to still image | key: STILL_IMAGE_URL_DESCRIPTION, Url to weather data from | ||||||||||||||||||||||
nvdb:Turistveg | key:Navn, Name of the road | key:Url, Url where more information can be found about the road | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
MissingBruksklasse | key:Message, Message indicating missing data for bruksklasse | NB: Only applied when using one of the available bruksklasse parameters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spesiell begrensning bruksklasse | key:Message, Message containing data from spesiell begrensning bruksklasse | NB: Only applied when using one of the available bruksklasse parameters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spesiell begrensning maks vogntoglengde | key:Message, Message containing data from spesiell begrensning maks vogntoglengde | NB: Only applied when using one of the available bruksklasse parameters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spesialtransport | key:SpesialtransportVeggruppe, Veggruppe for the roadsegment | NB: Only applied when using bruksklassespesialtransport |
<Value key="RECORD_ID" value=""/>
<Value key="SITUATION_ID" value=""/>
<Value key="COUNTY_NUMBER" value=""/>
<Value key="ROAD_NUMBER" value=""/>
<Value key="OVERALL_START_TIME" value=""/>
<Value key="OVERALL_END_TIME" value=""/>
<Value key="DESCRIPTION" value=""/>
<Value key="LOCATION_DESCRIPTION" value=""/>
<Value key="RECORD_SECONDARY_TYPE" value=""/>
<Attribute id="NPRA_HBT_18-05-2022.138">
<Value key="SituationId" value="NPRA_HBT_18-05-2022.138"/>
<Value key="RecordId" value="c9af9884-9ac4-4211-976b-e8dcc6315f65_2"/>
<Value key="RecordSecondaryType" value="RoadOrCarriagewayOrLaneManagement"/>
<Value key="OverallStartTime" value="2022-05-19T00:00:00.0000000+02:00"/>
<Value key="OverallEndTime" value="2022-09-30T23:59:00.0000000+02:00"/>
<Value key="LocationDescription" value="Ev 18 Ekebergkaia i Oslo - Rv 162 Dronning Eufemias gate (kryss) i Oslo, i retning mot Filipstad"/>
<Value key="GeneralPublicComment" value="Vegarbeid.|Merk at sluttiden er usikker og kan endres."/>
<Value key="CountyNumber" value="3"/>
<Value key="ValidPeriod" value=""/>
<Value key="RoadNumber" value="E18"/>
<Value key="SubRecords" value="[{"SituationId":"NPRA_HBT_18-05-2022.138","RecordId":"c9af9884-9ac4-4211-976b-e8dcc6315f65_1","OverallStartTime":"2022-05-19T00:00:00.0000000+02:00","OverallEndTime":"2022-09-30T23:59:00.0000000+02:00","IsActiveNow":"0","CountyNumber":"3","RoadNumber":"E18","SecondaryType":"MaintenanceWorks","GeneralPublicComment":"Vegarbeid.|Merk at sluttiden er usikker og kan endres.","LocationDescription":"Ev 18 Ekebergkaia i Oslo - Rv 162 Dronning Eufemias gate (kryss) i Oslo, i retning mot Filipstad","ValidPeriod":"","IsMainRecordForPosition":"0"}]"/>
<Location northing="6647833.7337600291" easting="262762.9154724183" SRS="EPSG:25833"/>
<Value key="SITUATION_ID" value="SE_STA_TRISSID_1_15738779"/>
<Value key="DESCRIPTION" value="Skattegårdsvägen avstängd för all trafik mellan Bergslagsvägen och Vinstavägen"/>
<Value key="LOCATION_DESCRIPTION" value="Väg i Stockholms stad i Stockholms län."/>
<Value key="RECORD_SECONDARY_TYPE" value="Stor påverkan"/>
<Value key="OVERALL_START_TIME" value="2020-05-31T14:00:00.000+02:00"/>
<Value key="OVERALL_END_TIME" value="2023-05-01T00:00:00.000+02:00"/>
<Value key="TEMPORARY_LIMIT" value="Hastighet: 50km/h"/>
<Value key="MANAGED_CAUSE" value="True"/>
<Value key="MESSAGE_CODE" value="Vägarbete"/>
<Value key="MESSAGE_CODE_VALUE" value="roadworks"/>
<Value key="MESSAGE_TYPE" value="Vägarbete"/>
<Value key="MESSAGE_TYPE_VALUE" value="MaintenanceWorks"/>
<Value key="SITUATION_ID" value="GUID50401805"/>
<Value key="OVERALL_START_TIME" value="2022-08-07 21:00:00"/>
<Value key="OVERALL_END_TIME" value="2022-08-09 20:59:59.999"/>
<Value key="DESCRIPTION" value="Kaksi VT 6 ja Helsingintien välistä ramppia suljettu. Suljetut rampit ovat VT6 Imatran suunnasta Helsingintielle nouseva ja Helsingintieltä VT6 Imatralle päin laskeva."/>
<Value key="LOCATION_DESCRIPTION" value="Tie 6 välillä Kouvola - Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta.Tarkempi paikka: Lavolan liittymä."/>
<Value key="ROAD_NUMBER" value="6"/>
<Value key="ROAD_SECTION" value="216"/>
<Value key="MUNICIPALITY" value="Lappeenranta"/>
<Value key="PROVINCE" value="Etelä-Karjala"/>
<Value key="ROADWORKPHASE_ID" value="GUID50402841"/>
<Value key="ROADWORKPHASE_START_TIME" value="2022-08-07 21:00:00"/>
<Value key="ROADWORKPHASE_END_TIME" value="2022-08-09 20:59:59.999"/>
<Value key="RESTRICTION_DESCRIPTION" value="Tien pinta on päällystetty"/>
<Value key="RESTRICTION_START_TIME" value="2022-07-05 02:00:00"/>
<Value key="RESTRICTION_END_TIME" value="2022-08-05 20:00:00"/>
<Value key="RESTRICTION_QUANTITY" value="10.0"/>
<Value key="RESTRICTION_UNIT" value="km/h"/>
<Value key="Navn" value=""/>
<Value key="TakstLitenBil" value=""/>
<Value key="TakstStorBil" value=""/>
<Value key="Autopass" value=""/>
<Value key="type" value="FERGE" />
<Value key="type" value="TURISTVEG" />